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Checking if an ITIN is valid/has expired

On 31 December 2020, the following ITINs expired:

  • ITINs that have not been used on a tax return at least once for tax years 2017, 2018 and 2019
  • ITINs with middle digits 88
  • ITINs with middle digits 90, 91, 92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98 or 99, that were assigned before 2013 and have not already been renewed.

The following ITINs did not expire on 31 December 2020:

  • ITINs that have been used on a tax return at least once for tax years 2017, 2018 and 2019
  • ITINs that do not have middle digits 88
  • ITINs that do not have middle digits 90, 91, 92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98 or 99.

You can locate the assignment date of your ITIN on your CP565 ITIN Assignment notice, which confirms that you have been granted an ITIN.

If you can’t find your CP565 notice or you have any questions or need assistance, call:

  • 1-800-829-1040 within the U.S
  • 1-267-941-1000 if you are outside the U.S. (this is not a toll-free number).

Expiry notifications from the IRS (CP-48 Notice)

If you have been given an CP-48 notice that your ITIN, or your spouse or dependent’s ITIN is about to expire, you should start to renew your ITIN as soon as possible, if you will be filing a tax return or claim a refund in 2021.

You can ignore an CP-48 notice if you receive it after you have submitted your Form W-7 to renew your ITIN. If you are now qualified to get a Social Security Number (SSN) or already have one, you should not renew your ITIN.


No, copies will not be accepted. The identification documents you submit must be the original documents or certified copies of the document from the issuing agency. See www.irs.gov/ITIN.

Yes. If you don’t want to send original documents to the IRS, you may be eligible to use an IRS authorised Certifying Acceptance Agent (CAA) or make an appointment at a designated IRS Taxpayer Assistance Center (TAC) location.

Woodcock Notary Public  is able to certify all identification documents for a primary and secondary applicant.

We can also certify passports and birth certificates of dependents, but all other original and certified copies of documents must be sent directly to the IRS.

ITIN Renewals

No, copies will not be accepted. The identification documents you submit must be the original documents or certified copies of the document from the issuing agency. See www.irs.gov/ITIN.

If your ITIN is scheduled to expire, you can renew it immediately. You are not required to wait for the IRS to send you a CP-48 notice of expiration. The IRS will normally notify you of your ITIN application status 7 weeks from the mailing date of the Form W-7. If you submitted the application during the peak processing periods, January 15 to April 30, or if you are filing from overseas, this may take 9 to 11 weeks.

No, you do not need to renew your ITIN. If in the future you file a tax return or claim for refund, including for a dependent, you will need to renew your ITIN at that time.

No. You do not need to renew your ITIN if it is only used on information returns and you won’t be filing a tax return or claim for refund.

Yes. If at least one member of the family listed on the tax return has the middle digits 88, 90, 91, 92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98 or 99, the IRS will accept an ITIN renewal application for each family member, on Form W-7. All family members who were issued an ITIN may submit a Form W-7 at the same time.

It is best to wait to renew your ITIN when it is scheduled to expire because your ITIN is not expiring and there are no tax implications. You should only renew an ITIN that expired on December 31 2020 that needs to be included on a tax return in 2021. The IRS will be putting a rolling renewal schedule in place and will announce the middle digits each year.

2020 is the last year that ITINs will expire.

If you are eligible for an SSN or already have one, you should not renew your ITIN. You can visit a local IRS office or write a letter to explain that you no longer need the ITIN as you have now been assigned an SSN and that you want your tax records combined.

If you choose to write a letter, you should include:

  • Your complete name
  • Your mailing address
  • Your ITIN
  • A copy of your social security card
  • A copy of the CP565 Notice of Assignment, if available.

The IRS will annul your ITIN so no one can use it in the future. They will associate all previous tax information filed under the ITIN with the SSN.

You should send your letter to: Internal Revenue Service, Austin, TX 73301-0.

Need a ITIN? Request a call-back below

Request a call-back or more information using the form, below. Your answers will help our team to understand your exact requirements. Alternatively, if you’d like to speak to an agent directly, please call +44 (0)20 7712 1705.

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